Museum Week

#MuseumWeek got off to a great start at WMODA with a Coffee & Conversation morning hosted by our Executive Director and Curator on Tuesday, April 24th. Louise Irvine talked about all the Flappers, Vamps & Divas as seen through the eyes of porcelain artists at the turn of the last century. The flappers of the Jazz Age are well represented by Royal Doulton and Goldscheider in the Art Deco galleries and the Carnival & Cabaret exhibition. Louise also introduced some famous vamps from history, notably Salome and Cleopatra, and the divas of the British pottery industry, such as Clarice Cliff and Daisy Makeig-Jones from Wedgwood.

In Learn from a Pro on April 27th, Lloyd Goradesky’s shared his vast experience as an artist and photographer and taught his class how to take better photos from a camera and I-phone.  After picking up lots of useful tips and techniques, the students set off around the WMODA galleries to photograph their favorite pieces.

Meanwhile, in the Moorcroft gallery, Lori Brown taught her class how to make Precious Metal Clay jewelry. During the afternoon, lumps of clay were transformed into beautiful silver pendants using a variety of tools and molds. Lori’s students enjoyed the content and camaraderie of the class and were very pleased with their accomplishments as can be seen in the photos.

The WMODA Workshops were a popular attraction for visitors, many of whom signed up for future classes. Several members of the Wiener family were touring the museum that day including our founder’s grandson Gavin. He was much taken by the exhibits, notably the Ardmore ceramic art, although perhaps the cookies laid on for the classes were even more appealing!